The resources listed here are recommendations that I have found useful for my own personal and professional growth and education.
It’s important to note that I have learned just as much from the teachers who have shown me what not to do and who I don’t want to be. I value these teachings just as much as the teachers who have been leading examples of embodied integrity. Both have contributed significantly and guided me well on my way.
These resources may or may not be suitable for every individual.
I encourage each person to research and do their own due diligence in determining the suitability of these resources for themselves, especially when it comes to sexuality practitioners, workshops and trainings. I hope that the teachings in the Sexual Boundaries Sexual Mastery book will better equip you with the skills and tools to discern and navigate your choices.

Sexuality Courses
& Trainings
ISTA (International School of Temple Arts)
Levels 1, 2 & 3
Quodoschka Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4
Sexological Bodywork
Moving From Masturbation to Self Pleasure
Orgasmic Yoga - Building Your Erotic Practice
Embodylab Somatic Trainings
Men’s Organisation
Woman’s Mysteries
SOmatic Embodiment
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Stress Release Certificate
Hakomi - Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy
Shaking Medicine - Therapeutic Tremoring & Somatic Movement Therapy
TRE - Trauma Release Exercises
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

Conflict Resolution
How To Fight:
Thich Nhat Hanh
Non Violent Communication:
A Language of Life by Marshall B Rosenberg
The Art of Giving & Receiving
The Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin
Consent Laid Bare
Sex, Entitlement & the Distortion of Desire by Chanel Contos
Shadow Work
Existential Kink
Unmask Your Shadow & Embrace Your Power by Carolyn Elliot PhD
Attachment Theory
Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy by Jessica Fern
Secure Love
Create A Relationship That Lasts A Lifetime by Julie Mennano
Wired For Love
How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship by Stan Tatkin
Trauma, Somatic Embodiment & Nervous System Regulation
Walking The Tiger
Healing Trauma by Peter Levine
In An Unspoken Voice
How the Body Releases Trauma & Restores Goodness by Peter Levine
The Body Keeps The Score
Mind, Brain & Body in the transformation of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk
The Polyvegal Theory in Therapy
by Deb Dana & Stephen G Porgess
Just Breathe
Mastering Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business & Beyond by Dan Brule
Shaking Medicine
The Healing Power of Ecstatic Movement by Bradford Keeney
Maps To Ecstasy
The Healing Power of Movement By Gabrielle Roth
Tantric Orgasm For Women by Diana Richardson
Women’s Anatomy of Arousal
Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure by Sherri Winston
The Wild Woman’s Way
Unlock Your Full Potential For Pleasure, Power & Fulfillment by Michaella Boehm
Orgasm Unleashed
Your Guide to Pleasure, Healing & Power by Eyal Matsliah
Tantric Sex & Menopause
Practices For Spiritual & Sexual Renewal by Diana Richardson & Janet McGeever
King Warrior Magician Lover
Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Moore & Gillette
The Embodied Man
Mastering Masculinity in the Head, Heart & Balls by Aaron Kleinerman
The Evolved Masculine
Be the Man the World Needs & the One She Craves by Destin Gerek
No More Mr Nice Guy
A Proven Plan For Getting What You Want in Love, Sex & Life by Dr Robert Glover
Tantric Sex For Men
Making Love a Meditation by Richardson & Richardson
Mating In Captivity
Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Ester Perel
The Mastery of Love
A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreements
A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
Personal Growth
Power vs Force
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour by David R Hawkins
The Power of Now
A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment by Echardt Tolle
Letting Go
The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins MD
Healing The Mind Virus That Plagues Our World by Paul Levy
The Molecule of More
How A Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex & Creativity
by Daniel Z Liberman MD and Michael E Long
Traditional Tantra
Tantra Illuminated
The Philosophy, History & Practice of A Timeless Tradition by Christopher D Wallis
Neo Tantra/Sacred Sexuality
The Heart of Tantric Sex
A Unique Guide to Love & Sexual Fullfillment by Diana Richardson
The Art of Slow Sex
The Path To Fulfilling & Sustainable Sex by Diana Richardson
Urban Tantra
Sacred Sex For The 21st Century by Barbara Carellas
The Erotic Mind
Unlocking the Inner Sources of Passion & Fulfillment by Jack Morin
The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka
Teachings From The Nagual Tradition by Amara Charles
Playing With Fire - The Spiritual Path of Intimate Relationship
Pierce & Winters
Come Together
Dr Emily Nagoski
"Be the cheerleader
of your lover’s
self connection.."