opening the male pelvis
1 Day Workshop For Men to Receive
SUNDAY, 3rd november 2024
This is a 1 day workshop, where Men are receiving full body tantric touch and Women are developing their mastery skills, of being in service to a man's holistic sexuality.
Opening The Male Pelvis is a deep, intimate dive of relieving conditioned stressors, tension and holding responses in the core of a man's body. ​We take our time, moving s l o w l y, with our utmost of care and presence.
After a lifetime of tensing and holding, contracting and protecting the pelvis, genitals and anus, we work together to unravel his past his-story. We put on our curiosity cap to discover what is being held in the tissues, ligaments, tendons, fascia and cellular memory. With presence and reverence, we learn how to melt and transform pelvic armour, cultural conditioning and any old, held emotions. We do this in a deeply nurturing, sensitive and life affirming way.
This relaxed approach creates spaciousness and fluidity, allowing him to increase his body awareness and deepen his self-connection, opening up his full body orgasmic flow and increasing his energetic capacity to feel more of himself. ​The results for him are a sense of feeling grounded and anchoring into the authentic self and living more solidly in his commitment to life. He will naturally feel an increase of life force and deep activation, you will gain better discernment in how and where you channel your energy into. You will learn valuable skills of surrender, receptivity and whole body listening.
This workshop has been created for Women to learn how to:​
Create a solid and intentional container of physical and emotional safety for Men to feel themselves more deeply.
Slow down to the speed of your lover's body wisdom (which is a lot slower than you think!)
Utilise your cool, receptive, yin sexual energy to support your man's self connection.
How to support your man's head, heart, emotions and genital connection.
How to meet and hold space for a man's emotions without having to minimise , avoid or sidestep them.
Present and attuned touch skills
This workshop has been created for Men to learn how to:
Create a safe and empowered receiving experience for themselves
Utilise sexual embodiment skills for deepening self-connection
Value slowness, relaxation and spaciousness without the need to fill up the space with activity
How to identify what you need and advocate for yourself well
Increase your receptivity and build your receiving muscle.
Surrender and open incrementally at
How to unlearn mainstream conditioned sexual responses
Feel your sexual boundaries and limits from within your own body
Who Is This Workshop For?
Men & Women who want to deepen their communication, intimate connection and sexual mastery skills within themselves and with each other.
Men & Women who want to interrupt the old patterns with life affirming holistic sexuality
Men & Women
Do I Have To Bring A Partner?
Yes, bring your lover, practice partner, friend or husband.
Tickets are sold for 2 people, there are no single ticket options.
Is there Nudity?
Yes, during the bodywork component of this workshop respectful nudity is included. However, participants may chose to experience the bodywork component fully clothed. If nudity within a group space is a boundary or limit for you, I recommend that you consider a private session with your partner. More information on couple's sessions here -
Will There Be Genital & Anal Touch?
​Learning how to set and embody your limits of participation is a part of the foundational teachings of this workshop. You are learning how to honour yourself every step of the way and how to speak up and advocate for yourself. Your choice to participate, to the degree you feel comfortable participating is up to you to discern, embody and articulate. Genital touch is part of the pelvic release massage.
There may be energetic and/or external anal touch if it is within the receiver's limits. There will be discussions of internal anal work, but we will not be physically going there, during this workshop. If there is enough interest for a second workshop inclusive of anal mapping and sacred spot work, I will arrange a day of advanced practices.
Will there be ejaculation and orgasm?
Energetic full body orgasm is common during this style of bodywork. Ejaculation may or may not happen as part of the pelvic release touch, it is not something that we are focusing upon or pushing for. If it happens, great if it doesn't, great - there is no attachment to ejaculation happening.
How Big Is the Group?
There will be 10 sets of practice partners.
DATE: Sunday, 3rd November 2024​
TIME: 10am to 4pm
COST: $750 for 2 people​​​​​​​​
"The degree of satisfaction you feel in any sexual experience
is determined by how much you allow yourself to open
& connect to yourself - first & foremost.
Then secondly,
it’s how much you open & connect to your lover."